Caravan & RV Inverters & Adaptors


Caravans & RV Inverters & Adaptors

Looking to get a how-know about Caravans & RV Inverters & Adaptors -wander no more, we have put everything in a nutshell.

What Is A Caravan Inverter?

Caravan inverters are must to have on your bucket list before using your caravan or taking it to roads. It is an important electric device to run all other electric appliances while on the go.

An inverter turns the direct current (DC) into an alternating current (AC). This means this small device will convert the battery current into a more usable form, the current available for domestic purposes at home. Without requiring connection to the main powers, the inverter allows using all electric appliances requiring 230V and using a 3-pin plug to connect with the socket within the system’s capacity.

A Caravan inverter will allow you to use air conditioners, microwaves, and other appliances requiring more power. Modern Caravan inverters come with advanced features providing ease of use and safety. If you intend to use appliances requiring less than 12V, you do not need to install an inverter on your caravan and RV.

What Is A Caravan Adapter?

A caravan adapter, also known as a caravan power adapter or caravan supply adapter, is a wire to power your caravan from a domestic outlet. For a caravan power supply from the main power, all caravans should have a standard 15A-rated cable with a larger earth pin compared to other extension leads.

A 16A caravan cannot connect with a normal 10A household connection without a caravan adapter. The caravan adapter has a male plug into the standard wall connection and a female cord connector to plug into the caravan lead.

The 15A- caravan adapter forms a legal connection with a 10A domestic power supply, complying with the electrical standards of most countries. Most caravan adapters come with a safety switch, namely a residual current device (RCD), to break the circuit in case of power overload. While most caravan adapters are for indoor use only, some are weatherproof to ensure safety outdoors. RCD and waterproofing help avoid accidents and electrocution.

As a safety measure, it is recommended to physically inspect for cuts and nicks, or abrasions in the insulation. If the adapter is damaged, it can lead to fatal damage. If you have any concerns, it is better to have it checked or replaced.

What Size Caravan Inverter Do You Need?

Selecting the right caravan inverter is crucial to fulfilling your needs for electric consumption. To select the right size, you need to consider electric consumption per hour, the size of the battery, and the total requirement.

In the market, you can easily find portable inverters from 400w to 2000w capacity and built-in inverters from 2000w to 2600w capacity. Depending on the installed battery size and your requirements, and keeping 20% extra capacity, you will know the required size for the inverter. You can not get an inverter of the exact size, so we recommend purchasing a bigger size inverter.

To calculate the inverter’s size, first, you should be clear about the appliances' electric watt consumption. Decide whether you require to charge your phone or laptop or want to run a hair roller, coffee machine, microwave, or air conditioner. You must calculate the size of the inverter by calculating the total power needed to run your caravan smoothly.

Once you decide on the size, you will know the price range and the different brands available.

How Much Do You Want To Spend?

The price of Caravan and RV inverters depends on the size and quality. You can choose from a 150w to 5000w inverter. You should expect to pay more when demanding a large-size inverter or selecting a high-end brand.

The average small-sized 150w to 350w inverter is between $50 and $150, respectively. The high 600w-1800w inverter cost between $450 to $1400. As the caravan requires extra large capacity 2000w to 3000w inverters, you must expect to pay between $900 and $3500 depending on the brand and additional features.

Depending on the brand and size, you may get one, two, or more additional features in an inverter. These features include built-in RCD protection, an AC transfer switch, a manufacturer’s warranty, and high-quality material. And your inverter must connect with the caravan's AC and DC charger, Adapter, and lithium battery.

Additionally, an inverter of 600w or above requires hard wiring, so you need to add installation charges to the total cost.

What Are The Pros & Cons Of Different Brands In The Range?

Different brands offer different inverter sizes with additional features within different price ranges. Good brands charge more for similar size inverters and features because of their name. It is suggested to select an inverter from a trusted manufacturer such as Victron Phoenix and Enerdrive. You might get a good deal at cheap rates from other local manufacturers.

When purchasing a caravan inverter or adapter, one should always go for high-quality products to avoid any damage to the motorhome or injury. Severe electric accidents can be fatal, too.

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